Aspire To Your Full Potential
The chief aim of Aspire's founder, Anne Brafford, is to help law firms and lawyers grow and thrive together by building engaging work cultures. As a former Big Law partner and current organizational science researcher, Anne has unique credentials to support firms pursuing positive change. Skeptical of a new approach? It’s normal to feel cautious in unfamiliar territory. But the science is convincing. As Anne's book Positive Professionals explains, engagement boosts not only well-being but also profitability, performance, retention, and client satisfaction.
Ignite Engagement At Your Firm
Ignite Engagement & Beat Burnout
Through training, education, and strategy advice, Aspire can help your firm boost engagement and beat burnout.
Resilient Lawyers
The Resilient Lawyer Toolbox is a cafeteria-style program in which firms can choose from various training modules that can help lawyers boost engagement and beat burnout.
Retain & Engage Women Lawyers
Aspire offers tools, training, and advice to help your organization retain women professionals.
Speaking & Workshops
Anne blends her personal story, hard-won experience as a Big Law equity partner, and extensive knowledge of workplace science to deliver engaging, practical talks and workshops.